BBW Dating Inkerman, Victoria

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Inkerman, VIC

- Hi I'm ami from Melbourne and I'm all grown up now and I've moved out of home and my friend has told me to join a dating site

Essendon North, VIC

- Hi! I am looking for a long-term FWB arrangement with a respectful and kind man who is dominant in bed. I would like the Friends part to be as good as the Benefits part, so it is important to me that we can carry on a conversation! In bed I generally like rough sex, including being choked, spanked and held down. I love anal sex and sucking cock :) Things to note: I am plus size, and I am not interested in helping someone cheat on their partner. I am also not interested in sending nude photos to anyone before I know them. Thanks for reading!

Broadmeadows, VIC

- Hi I'm Simone from broady I'm curious about this site

Fairfield, VIC

- Hi there, im Deanna from Melbourne Im just testing the waters a bit and having a look what's out there

Braybrook, VIC

- I love depth in people. I am a sapiosexual who enjoys interesting and intelligent conversations. My sense of humour is perfect, without exaggeration, but a bit sarcastic and direct so let us see if you can bear it. My books are my best friends but when I'm bored and want a bed then I would go to my bed or I think anyone's bed would be more exciting to be in and do something else with him.

Essendon West, VIC

- Hello I'm Kerry from Essendon

Fairfield, VIC

- Hi guys I'm shilo from Fairfield I'm bored and lonely in this horrible lockdown

Plenty, VIC

- There have been rumors that this dating site has plenty of hot, young, and very much attractive guys. I decided to believe those rumors that's why I signed up here. Anyway, what I truly want is to find a guy who does not only have a handsome face but also has a yummy body. I just hope that the guy I'll find is more knowledgeable in bed than me and maybe he can share his expertise with me.

Gladstone Park, VIC

- Hi I'm Claire from up near the airport This isolation and cold and mask wea ring And being out of work, and living with my parents Is driving me crazy, he I'm single Thought I'd try this site

Nunawading, VIC

- I may look young and innocent but don't let that fool you. That doesn't stop me from having deep, dark and dirty sexual fantasies and desires. I never let my youth stop myself from having naughty thoughts that will surely make anyone I have conversations with not only naughty but also turned on.

Carlton North, VIC

- Hi I'm Jenna from Carlton was raised in the country , im just a fun girl , who s out of work at the moment and terribly Bored !! Second pic is with blonde hair and no nipple pins

Fawkner, VIC

- Hi I'm charlotte from Melbourne's northern suburbs, all 18 years old and grown up and just seeing whats out there

Flinders Lane, VIC

- I just turned 50 😳 i dont mind except my brain never left 30. Extremely outgoing, the crazy one in my v small group of friends Im inappropriate at times but heaps of fun to be with. I have a thing for younger guys always have. Just looking for some fun and to go with the flow. No my eyes are not really blue but neither is my mood so no Debbie Downers - yes Im a kiwi if u talk about sheep, fish and chips or the #6 youre gone its really not funny the 7m time. B original

Broadmeadows, VIC

- I'm ella from Melbourne's northern suburbs Im a fiesty redhead , bold intelligent opinionated Finished all my schooling and having a bit of a gap year now , i like men a lot , and want to stop being miss goody two shoes coz it's boring So guys , here I am , impress me

Malvern, VIC

- Hi I'm Sonya, a little shy , so I'm not showing my face but the boobs usually grab attention

Glenroy, VIC

- I'm 18 years old now and want to meet nice guy Not idiot lke my ex , i am very good person and have a lot of love to give

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